Salvation Army Motel Vouchers Online
The Salvation Army provides free motel and/or hotel vouchers to individuals or families in crisis areas. You can also find application details, telephone numbers and online applications here.
The faith-based Christian charity has more than 7,000 locations across the United States, and most of them offer temporary hotel vouchers to people in crisis. Learn more about the salvation army motel vouchers online program near you and how to apply for them below.
In general, this form of help addresses short-term needs and extreme situations. Examples for this are:
Women, including single mothers, who need a safe place to live and are emerging from a domestic violence situation often receive a hotel voucher for themselves and/or their children.
Elderly or disabled people whose health is at risk, such as in extremely cold or hot climates, can be placed in an emergency shelter or, if full, receive a free emergency voucher to a hotel or motel.
The Salvation Army gives away hotel vouchers to individuals or families affected by a natural or man-made disaster. A hotel room can be found online for people affected by a fire, flood, hurricane, wildfire or other disaster.
Other criteria may also be met. Browse locations by state and then county near you below to learn more about who to call or apply for free Salvation Army hotel vouchers online. This form of emergency accommodation is usually the last resort.
Get Salvation Army Motel Vouchers Online
The Salvation Army centers have limited resources. Every effort will be made to initially place a family or individual in a homeless shelter or transitional housing program. If this is not possible, request a Salvation Army hotel voucher by calling a center near you. Each location offers different services and some have waiting lists; others don’t have to wait.
Proof of income, financial difficulties, proof of identity and other criteria are required to receive a hotel voucher. Most of these documents must be processed in person, but sometimes they can also be submitted online. Hotel rooms will be low cost units and “affordable” locations. Like the Salvation Army’s free motel vouchers, these are valid for reasonably priced rooms and discounted accommodation options.
The Salvation Army works with budget or discount motels, as well as hotel chains, government agencies and hotel room companies, and other groups. Government grants or foundation or United Way funds help the Salvation Army pay for a hotel room for a client. Therefore, resources for applying for a free voucher or subsidy are limited.
Emergency Housing for the Homeless Families
Hotel vouchers are just one Salvation Army program. The objective is to help the person achieve financial and housing stability in the medium and long term. This form of support is combined with case management, budgeting, organizing rent and security deposits, and even additional assistance for people in transit.
Many of these Salvation Army resources can be accessed through telephone inquiries. This allows a homeless person to obtain housing using a motel or hotel voucher and then meet with case managers from other low-income housing or transitional housing programs. These programs, which include free hotel vouchers from the Salvation Army, are offered to families, single mothers or chronically homeless people, among others. Get hotel vouchers from The Salvation Army
Find Salvation Army hotel vouchers near you
There are many Salvation Army social service centers in every state. You must be contacted to determine the status of a motel or hotel voucher. The telephone numbers where you can request hotel vouchers in your area are listed below, sorted by state. Then select a county or city on this page. The Salvation Army hotel voucher programs sometimes offer online applications as well.
As already mentioned, this form of help is a last resort. People who are homeless, experiencing financial hardship, or living in an unsafe environment often prioritize The Salvation Army motel and hotel vouchers.